Windows 10 taskbar not operating is one of the typical problems you can face while using the Windows system. When it happens, you’ll locate that the taskbar prevents responding to the actions. Sometimes, it may get frozen as well, and you won’t even be capable of bringing the cursor there. If you want to fix this annoying issue, then here are a couple of fixes to solve your problem.

Run a System Restore

To run a system, restore, follow these on-screen steps mentioned below:

  1. Hold the Win and S hotkeys combination over the keyboard to open the Search bar.
  2. After that, insert ‘create a restore point’ in it and hit the Enter key to open it.
  3. You will get a ‘System Properties’ screen and then choose the ‘System Restore’ option through the menu.
  4. Once launches the ‘System Restore’ screen, hit the Next button.
  5. In case applicable, tick the ‘Show more restore points box.
  6. You should select the preferred restore point then click on the Next button.
  7. Now, pursue the steps over the window to restore the system.

Uninstall the Nvidia Graphics Driver

To uninstall the Nvidia graphics driver, follow these on-screen steps mentioned below:

  1. To invoke the Win + X menu, hold the Win and X hotkeys combination over the keyboard.
  2. Then select the Device Manager option through the list.
  3. Once it invokes, find the graphics card driver, right-click on it, then pick the ‘Uninstall Device’ option.
  4. Tick the ‘Delete the driver software’ box for this device, then hit the Uninstall button.

Turn on Firewall

To turn on the firewall, follow these on-screen steps mentioned below:

  1. To invoke the Run accessory, hold the Win and R keys combination over the keyboard.
  2. After that, locate the ‘Windows Firewall’ option through the services list and twice click on it to launch its properties.
  3. You should locate the option of ‘Startup Type’, change it to Manual and hit the Apply button.
  4. Finally, reach the Service’s upper left side of the screen to locate the button of ‘Start this service’ to begin Windows Firewall.

check for Missing Updates

To check for missing updates, follow these on-screen steps mentioned below:

  1. To Launch the Settings application, hold the Win, and I key combination over the keyboard.
  2. Then reach the section of ‘Update & Security and click on it.
  3. Go to the right panel and hit the button ‘Check for updates.’

Make a New Account

To make a new account, follow these on-screen steps mentioned below:

  1. To Launch the Settings application, hold the Win, and I key combination over the keyboard.
  2. Once launches the Settings application, click on the Accounts option.
  3. Go to the left menu and pick the ‘Family & other people’ option.
  4. Reach the right-side panel and click on the ‘Add someone else to this PC’ option.
  5. You should click on the ‘I don’t have this person’s sign-in information’ option.
  6. Later, pick the ‘Add a user without a Microsoft account option.
  7. Now, insert the preferred username and hit the Next button.

Reboot the File Explorer

To reboot the File Explorer, follow these on-screen steps mentioned below:

  1. To launch the Task Manager, hold the ‘Ctrl + Shift + Esc’ keys combination over the keyboard.
  2. Now, find the ‘File Explorer’ procedure, right-click on it, then pick the ‘Restart’ option through the menu.


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